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The To Sua Trench in Samoa.

Reserve your spot at the retreat

Join us in Samoa to free your body, mind and spirit in a pristine natural setting.

*Aga Reef resident Samoan Chef will prepare locally sourced Vegan & Vegetarian food. Freshly caught seafood will be on offer to purchase.


We require a non-refundable deposit payment of $500 to secure your space.
BSB : 923 100
ACCT: 313 011 190


Within 48hrs you will receive a booking confirmation

Full payment is required by April 30th .

Payment plans are available, please reach out for more information.

Cancellation fee credits are determined by the following schedule:

  • If you cancel 45 – 60 days before your retreat start date, we will put your credit towards a future Samoa Eco Yoga Retreat up to the same value.

  • If you cancel 45 days or less before your retreat start date, you will forfeit your entire Retreapayment credit.

  • We reserve the right to cancel any retreats up to 61 days prior to the scheduled trip start date. In this case, we will honour a full refund to all participants. In addition, we reserve the right to cancel any trip at any time if, due to natural disaster, political unrest, or other disruptions and/or events beyond our control (“Force Majeure events”), the operation of the trip would be unsafe or otherwise unviable.


Once payment is received you will be sent a booking confirmation via email within 48 hours.
To prepare you for the trip, you will receive a Samoa Eco Yoga Retreat Information pack which will help you plan for your retreat. This information will include

  • Suggested packing list

  • Pre-departure information

  • Your arrival in Samoa

  • Accommodation options if you arrive early or are leaving after the retreat.

  • Airport transfer information

  • Information about Samoa and the travel requirements

  • Important contacts and emergency information

You can read the terms & conditions here.

Thanks for booking into our Samoa Eco Yoga Retreat!

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